Bird profile [Lazer]

Year Bands Bird Parentage Dates People Location Counts Contact
1991 fws: 2206-13714
color: bl 04Z L
name: Lazer
gender: m
h/w/a: h
did bird breed: Y
injured: Unknown
hatched: 5/21/1991
fledged: 7/5/1991
age: ?
breeder: she
location: Indianapolis
county: Marion
state: IN
type: Building
nest years: 1
band years: 0
eggs: 6
fledged: 0
augmented: 0

In Columbus OH, Rhodes State Office Tower, 1993, paired with red4RO, released in Maple, Ontario, in 1992; 6 eggs laid on unsuitable ledge, all disappeared, probably rolled off or were broken and eaten. 12/05/93 -- note from Redig: Laser dead of tuberculosis, no other details. 02/22/94 -- banding office: Columbus OH, caught injured, died 08/11/93, David Graham, 1500 Dublin Rd.

[no photo]

Nesting records [2]

Year Parent-1 Parent-2 Counts Contact Comments
1993 name: Aurora
gender: F
breeder: oli
fws: 987-87225
color: red4R0
hatch-year: 1991
name: Laser
gender: M
breeder: she
fws: 2206-13714
color: 04Z
hatch-year: 1991
eggs: 6
hatch date:
fledged: 0
augmented: 0

6 eggs, all disappeared; laid on unsuitable ledge. First 3 laid by unidentified juvenile female, last 3 by Aurora.
1993 name: Lazer
gender: M
breeder: she
fws: 2206-13714
color: 04Z
hatch-year: 1991
name: Aurora
gender: F
breeder: cws
fws: 987-86179
color: red4R0
hatch-year: 1992
eggs: 6
hatch date: 0
fledged: 0
augmented: 0

Pair laid 6 eggs on unsuitable ledge; all disappeared, probably rolled off or broke and were eaten. Female C3 released in Aurora (=Maple, CFWS), Ontario, in 1992.

Banding records [0]