Bird profile [Jingles]

Year Bands Bird Parentage Dates People Location Counts Contact
1986 fws: 576-87051
color: unbanded
name: Jingles
gender: m
h/w/a: h
did bird breed: Y
hatched: 6/5/1986
fledged: 7/16/1986
age: ?
breeder: and
location: Chicago
county: Cook
state: IL
type: Building
nest years: 3
band years: 1
eggs: 9
fledged: 3
augmented: 0

In Chicago at 125 S. Wacker, paired with Harriet: 1987?, 1 abandoned egg found; 1988, 3 eggs, 2 hatched, 2 fledged (not banded); 1989, first clutch of 4 lost, renested, 2 eggs, 1 hatched, 1 fledged; 1990 (male ID uncertain), 4 eggs, 3 hatched, lost at one week, probably flooding; 1991, different male present, young chicks lost again at one week; 1992, silver banded male seen, assumed to be Hubert 987-20710, Jingles assumed to be dead. Records from here on refer to Hubert, not Jingles back, 4 eggs, 3 hatched, 3 fledged; 1993, 4 eggs, 3 fledged; 1994, 4 eggs, 3 fledged; 1995, 4 eggs, 3 young fledged; 1996, 4 eggs, 3 hatched, young disappeared, cause unknown; 1997, same pair, same place, now in nest box, 4 eggs, 3 young fledged; 1998, paired with new female, Monica E/H (actually E/E, found dead spring 1999, close to 125 S. Wacker), 4 eggs, 2 young fledged; 1999, after E/E found dead with 4 eggs in nest, new unidentified female C/4?, appeared, laid 2 more, nest failed; 2000, same place, paired with female Dory *C/4, 5 eggs, 4 hatched and fledged; 2001, same place, same pair, fledged 5 young; 2002, same place, same pair, fledged 2 young; 2003, same place, same pair, fledged 5 young.

[no photo]

Nesting records [5]

Year Parent-1 Parent-2 Counts Contact Comments
1988 name: Harriet
gender: F
breeder: pf
fws: 877-42484
color: unbanded
hatch-year: 1985
hatch-location: Multifoods/City Center/33 S. 6th Street Minneapolis
name: Jingles
gender: M
breeder: and
fws: 576-87051
color: unbanded
hatch-year: 1986
eggs: 3
hatch date:
fledged: 2
augmented: 0

Abandoned peregrine egg found on same building in 1987, probably laid by Harriet. 1988 young not banded.
1988 name: Jingles
gender: M
breeder: and
fws: 576-87051
color: unbanded
hatch-year: 1986
name: Harriet
gender: F
breeder: pf
fws: 877-42484
color: unbanded
hatch-year: 1985
hatch-location: Multifoods/City Center/33 S. 6th Street Minneapolis
eggs: 3
hatch date:
fledged: 2
augmented: 0

Possibly present in 1987, abandoned peregrine egg found on ledge. 1988 young not banded.
1989 name: Harriet
gender: F
breeder: pf
fws: 877-42484
color: unbanded
hatch-year: 1985
hatch-location: Multifoods/City Center/33 S. 6th Street Minneapolis
name: Jingles
gender: M
breeder: and
fws: 576-87051
color: unbanded
hatch-year: 1986
eggs: 2
hatch date: 6/22/1989
fledged: 1
augmented: 0

First clutch of 4 abandoned, Harriet seen eating one egg; second clutch reported above.
1989 name: Jingles
gender: M
breeder: and
fws: 576-87051
color: unbanded
hatch-year: 1986
name: Harriet
gender: F
breeder: pf
fws: 877-42484
color: unbanded
hatch-year: 1985
hatch-location: Multifoods/City Center/33 S. 6th Street Minneapolis
eggs: 2
hatch date: 6/22/1989
fledged: 1
augmented: 0

First clutch of 4 eggs failed, Fridge seen eating 1 egg; renested, second clutch successful.
1990 name: Harriet
gender: F
breeder: pf
fws: 877-42484
color: unbanded
hatch-year: 1985
hatch-location: Multifoods/City Center/33 S. 6th Street Minneapolis
name: Jingles
gender: M
breeder: and
fws: 576-87051
color: unbanded
hatch-year: 1986
eggs: 4
hatch date: 4/26/1990
fledged: 0
augmented: 0

3 young hatched, disappeared at about 8 days old, best guess -- flooding. No renesting attempted.

Banding records [1]

Year Details Bands Bird Parentage Dates People Comments
1989 fws: 816-22138
color: bl 86Y R
name: Chance
gender: M
h/w/a: w
did bird breed: Y
injured: Collision with vehicle
hatched: 6/22/1989
fledged: 7/31/1989
age: 35
breeder: wpr
Parents renested after failed first clutch of 4 eggs; 2 eggs, 1 hatched, 1 fledged, this bird. Found injured in De Ridder, Louisiana, November 28, 1989, recovered and released, hit by vehicle in Ohio, spring 1991, found to be blind in one eye, in Columbus OH zoo as of 1994.