Year | Bands | Bird | Parentage | Dates | People | Location | Counts | Contact |
2019 |
fws: 1947-39262
color: b/blu N/37 L |
name: Delta
gender: f h/w/a: W did bird breed: Y injured: Unknown |
unknown adult female: unknown adult |
submitted: 07/13/2019 hatched: banded: 06/18/2019 fledged: deceased: 04/27/2023 age: - - - |
breeder: wpr
bander: jmf |
location: Delta Airlines hanger 5a, International Airport, Mpls., MN
county: Hennepin state: MN type: Building |
nest years: 0
band years: 1 eggs: 0 fledged: 0 augmented: 0 |
jackie fallon submitted: 07/13/2019 |
2019: Hand captured at time of banding nestlings, ASY. Paired with b/g Sam B/82 at Delta 5a hanger, MSP International Airport, Minneapolis, MN. 3 eggs laid, 3 young fledge.2020: same site, same pair. 3 young unbanded due to COVID. 2021: same site, same pair. four young unbanded due to COVID. 4/27/2023: decayed carcass found at Delta Airlines facility at MSP, Bloomington. Bands retrieved by MAC staff and returned to bander. Unble to determine cause of death.