name: Jim
gender: M
breeder: wpr
fws: 2206-13777
color: 51Z
hatch-year: 1992
hatch-location: King Plant Bayport
name: Mae
gender: F
breeder: wpr
fws: 877-42569
color: 31V
hatch-year: 1989
hatch-location: Multifoods/City Center/33 S. 6th Street Minneapolis
eggs: 3
hatch date: 5/30/1993
fledged: 3
augmented: 0
Paired with mother! Band read in fragments on video monitor (Z and 1 seen; no other 1992 wpr male has 1 and Z). In juvenal plumage; parental behavior OK.
name: Mae
gender: F
breeder: wpr
fws: 877-42569
color: 31V
hatch-year: 1989
hatch-location: Multifoods/City Center/33 S. 6th Street Minneapolis
name: Jim
gender: M
breeder: wpr
fws: 2206-13777
color: 51Z
hatch-year: 1992
hatch-location: King Plant Bayport
eggs: 3
hatch date: 5/30/1993
fledged: 3
augmented: 0
Paired with half-sibling last 3 years, now paired with son! No mate for much of April; 51Z, juv. plumage, arrived shortly before eggs laid. Possibility he is not father, but he performed OK as parent.