fws: 1156-10114
color: b/r K/95 R
name: Rand
gender: M
h/w/a: W
did bird breed:
injured: Tangled in fence/string
submitted: 04/26/2018
hatched: 05/24/2017
banded: 06/12/2017
fledged: 07/03/2017
age: 7
breeder: wpr
bander: tgd
On 6/12/17, this male nestling had a thin wire wrapped around his right leg. The wire came from a sheet of hardware cloth that was placed below the pea rock in the nest box. I removed the wire, treated the wound, and placed a USFWS band on the left leg. Because he was able to stand on both legs, I decided to replace him in the nest box. I observed him standing on porch of the nest box on 6/24/17. On 7/3/17, this male was found on the ground with two missing tail feathers and four half-grown primary feathers on the right side. His right leg was healed and the swelling had subsided. I put a color band on his right leg and placed him on the roof of a nearby building. He was observed flying near the nest on 7/10/17.