Bird profile [Martin]

Year Bands Bird Parentage Dates People Location Counts Contact
2012 fws: 1126-14080
color: b/r 76/M L
name: Martin
gender: m
h/w/a: w
did bird breed: N
injured: Collision with window
submitted: 07/31/2012
hatched: 5/17/2012
banded: 6/6/2012
fledged: 6/20/2012
age: ?
breeder: wpr
bander: jmf
location: Midwest Plaza Minneapolis
county: Hennepin
state: MN
type: Building
nest years: 0
band years: 0
eggs: 0
fledged: 0
augmented: 0
Jackie Fallon
submitted: 07/31/2012

6/27/12 found with spinal injury in Mpls, MN. Euthanized at TRC. Uncertain to maternity of chick, due to presence of 1687-01984 at another site during same egg laying time period. DNA analysis being performed to confirmed parentage. Per TRC clinic - On 6/27 this bird from Midwest Plaza in Minneapolis was found on the ground. The bird had sustained a spinal fracture and had to be euthanized.

[no photo]

Nesting records [0]

Banding records [0]