Bird profile [Oscar]

Year Bands Bird Parentage Dates People Location Counts Contact
2012 fws: 1156-14836
color: b/r 44/P L
name: Oscar
gender: m
h/w/a: W
did bird breed:
submitted: 07/30/2012
hatched: 05/18/2012
banded: 06/15/2012
fledged: 06/29/2012
age: ?
breeder: wpr
bander: jmf
location: Crow Creek
county: Lake
state: MN
type: Cliff
nest years: 0
band years: 0
eggs: 0
fledged: 0
augmented: 0
Jackie Fallon
submitted: 07/30/2012

2017-on territory at Devil's Track, Superior Hiking Trail, and paired with Stella b/r D/05. Eggs laid but site failed. 2018: Same site, same pair. 3 hatch, 3 fledge. 2019: same site, same pair. 1 fledge. 2020: same site, same pair,, 2 fledges observed 7/10/20. sighting in July at Artist Point, Grand Marais. 2021: same site, same pair. 2 fledge. 7/10/21 mate Stella b/r D/05 found dead in Grand Marais, MN.

[no photo]

Nesting records [0]

Banding records [0]