name: Alula
gender: F
breeder: wpr
fws: 1807-29447
color: 25R
hatch-year: 1991
hatch-location: Multifoods/City Center/33 S. 6th Street Minneapolis
name: Jade
gender: M
breeder: and
fws: 816-00699
color: 72T
hatch-year: 1990
eggs: 2
hatch date: 5/13/1992
fledged: 2
augmented: 1
2 eggs, 1 hatched, 1 augmented, 2 fledged. Jade in early June, replaced by new male (?Calvin?) by 06/10/92, who attacked young after fledging; young female moved to St. Paul where she joined brood there OK; young male found dead on UWI campus,
name: Calvin
gender: M
breeder: oli
fws: 816-22147
color: 48T
hatch-year: 1989
name: Alula
gender: F
breeder: wpr
fws: 1807-29447
color: 25R
hatch-year: 1991
hatch-location: Multifoods/City Center/33 S. 6th Street Minneapolis
hatch date:
Replaced dead male Jade 72T, courted 25R, attacked her young, killing one, other trapped, released St. Paul MN with NCL brood.
name: Jade
gender: M
breeder: and
fws: 816-00699
color: 72T
hatch-year: 1990
name: Alula
gender: F
breeder: wpr
fws: 1807-29447
color: 25R
hatch-year: 1991
hatch-location: Multifoods/City Center/33 S. 6th Street Minneapolis
eggs: 2
hatch date: 5/13/1992
fledged: 2
augmented: 1
Found dead at nest site, 06/11/92; replaced immediately by Calvin 48T, who attacked young when fledged; young female moved to St. Paul, fledged OK with brood there; augmented young male later found dead in Madison, probably killed by new male.