Bird profile [Ruth]

Year Bands Bird Parentage Dates People Location Counts Contact
2008 fws: 1687-21484
color: b/g *Y/*C L
name: Ruth
gender: f
h/w/a: w
did bird breed: N
injured: Miscellaneous trauma
submitted: 06/16/2008
hatched: 5/24/2008
banded: 6/16/2008
fledged: 7/5/2008
age: ?
breeder: wpr
bander: jmf
location: Northstar Bridge, Hwy 169, Mankato, MN
county: Blue Earth
state: MN
type: Bridge
nest years: 0
band years: 0
eggs: 0
fledged: 0
augmented: 0
Jackie Fallon
submitted: 06/16/2008

Bird admitted on 9/30/09 to TRC after being found on the ground near the St. Paul cathedral. Initial injuries included a metacarpal injury and possible ulna luxation. The bird was released at Carpenter Nature Centerin Hastings, MN on 11/07/09 without the color band due to swelling of the leg. The bird was found in Minneapolis, MN and admitted again on 11/16/09 to TRC, with damage to the metacarpus and possible structural damage at the shoulder/humeral head. Euthanized 12/11/09.

[no photo]

Nesting records [0]

Banding records [0]