name: Bong female
gender: F
breeder: and
fws: 987-20767
color: 34R
hatch-year: 1988
hatch-location: Multifoods/City Center/33 S. 6th Street Minneapolis
name: Dave
gender: M
breeder: cws
fws: 816-16895
color: red6P3
hatch-year: 1986
hatch date: 5/29/1991
fledged: 2
augmented: 0
Original black band 15V worn, replaced. Augmented to MF-1's nest. Pair present here but not identified in 1990; 1991, ? eggs, 2 hatched, 2 fledged; 1992, pair present but not identified, nest just across road on girder from 1991 nest, very likely at least same female, 1992 nest failed. Male red6P3 released Cap Tourmente, Quebec, 1986.
name: Dave
gender: M
breeder: cws
fws: 816-16895
color: red6P3
hatch-year: 1986
name: Bong female
gender: F
breeder: and
fws: 987-20767
color: 34R
hatch-year: 1988
hatch-location: Multifoods/City Center/33 S. 6th Street Minneapolis
hatch date: 5/29/1991
fledged: 2
augmented: 0
Cap Tourmente is on CWS list; same as Quebec City?
name: Bong female
gender: F
breeder: and
fws: 987-20767
color: 34R
hatch-year: 1988
hatch-location: Multifoods/City Center/33 S. 6th Street Minneapolis
name: Dave
gender: M
breeder: cws
fws: 816-16895
color: red6P3
hatch-year: 1986
eggs: 3
hatch date:
fledged: 0
augmented: 0
Eggs on nearly bare girder, failed to hatch. Male ID not positive.
name: Dave
gender: M
breeder: cws
fws: 816-16895
color: red6P3
hatch-year: 1986
name: Bong female
gender: F
breeder: and
fws: 987-20767
color: 34R
hatch-year: 1988
hatch-location: Multifoods/City Center/33 S. 6th Street Minneapolis
hatch date:
fledged: 0
augmented: 0
3 eggs 05/13/92, incubated into June, failed to hatch. ID of both male and female only assumed from plumage and behavior.
name: Bong female
gender: F
breeder: and
fws: 987-20767
color: 34R
hatch-year: 1988
hatch-location: Multifoods/City Center/33 S. 6th Street Minneapolis
name: Pagan
gender: M
breeder: and
fws: 816-21925
color: 22Y
hatch-year: 1987
hatch-location: Rouchleau Pit Virginia
eggs: 3
hatch date:
fledged: 0
augmented: 0
Previous mate, red6P3, at Blatnik Bridge with new female; new unidentified wpr male at Bong. Eggs failed to hatch, incubated for at least 7 weeks.
name: Pagan
gender: M
breeder: and
fws: 816-21925
color: 22Y
hatch-year: 1987
hatch-location: Rouchleau Pit Virginia
name: Bong female
gender: F
breeder: and
fws: 987-20767
color: 34R
hatch-year: 1988
hatch-location: Multifoods/City Center/33 S. 6th Street Minneapolis
eggs: 3
hatch date:
fledged: 0
augmented: 0
Eggs failed to hatch. Pagan 22Y not fully identified until 1994, but he was also here in 1993, partial band read, all by Dave Evans.
name: Bong female
gender: F
breeder: and
fws: 987-20767
color: 34R
hatch-year: 1988
hatch-location: Multifoods/City Center/33 S. 6th Street Minneapolis
name: Pagan
gender: M
breeder: and
fws: 816-21925
color: 22Y
hatch-year: 1987
hatch-location: Rouchleau Pit Virginia
hatch date: 5/21/1994
fledged: 1
augmented: 0
Young was puny and rough, may not survive.
name: Pagan
gender: M
breeder: and
fws: 816-21925
color: 22Y
hatch-year: 1987
hatch-location: Rouchleau Pit Virginia
name: Bong female
gender: F
breeder: and
fws: 987-20767
color: 34R
hatch-year: 1988
hatch-location: Multifoods/City Center/33 S. 6th Street Minneapolis
hatch date: 5/21/1994
fledged: 1
augmented: 0
Young puny and rough, may not survive.
name: Bong female
gender: F
breeder: and
fws: 987-20767
color: 34R
hatch-year: 1988
hatch-location: Multifoods/City Center/33 S. 6th Street Minneapolis
name: none
fws: unbanded
color: unbanded
eggs: 4
hatch date: 0
fledged: 0
augmented: 0
New, unidentified male, not very attentive. Eggs scattered, did not hatch.
name: Bong female
gender: F
breeder: and
fws: 987-20767
color: 34R
hatch-year: 1988
hatch-location: Multifoods/City Center/33 S. 6th Street Minneapolis
name: none
fws: unbanded
color: unbanded
eggs: 1
hatch date:
fledged: 0
augmented: 0
name: Bong female
gender: F
breeder: and
fws: 987-20767
color: 34R
hatch-year: 1988
hatch-location: Multifoods/City Center/33 S. 6th Street Minneapolis
name: none
fws: unbanded
color: unbanded
hatch date: 6/7/1997
fledged: 3
augmented: 0
name: Bong female
gender: F
breeder: and
fws: 987-20767
color: 34R
hatch-year: 1988
hatch-location: Multifoods/City Center/33 S. 6th Street Minneapolis
name: Trevor
gender: M
breeder: wpr
fws: 1807-53854
color: K/*A
hatch-year: 1995
hatch-location: Kennedy Creek
eggs: 2
hatch date:
fledged: 0
augmented: 0
name: Trevor
gender: M
breeder: wpr
fws: 1807-53854
color: K/*A
hatch-year: 1995
hatch-location: Kennedy Creek
name: Bong female
gender: F
breeder: and
fws: 987-20767
color: 34R
hatch-year: 1988
hatch-location: Multifoods/City Center/33 S. 6th Street Minneapolis
eggs: 2
hatch date:
fledged: 0
augmented: 0