2007: Mason Co.,KY: KU Spurlock Power Station, paired with 92/H(b/b), 4 chicks fledged. 2010: same place, paired with an unbanded female, coutship and territorial behavior displayed, but no eggs laid. 2011: same place, paired with an unbanded female, 4 eggs laid, 0 hatched. 2012: same place, paired with an unbanded female, 4 chicks fledged. 2014 same place, paired with unbanded female, 4 eggs laid, 1 chick fledged. 2015: paired with Spurlo 46/k (b/r), Laid 4 eggs, hatched 2 chicks, fledged 2 young. {2016} paired with Spurlo 46/K(b/r), produced 4 eggs, hatched 4 chicks, 3 chicks fledged. 2017: paired with 46/K Spurlo at Spurlock, laid 3 eggs, hatched 3 eggs, and fledged 3 young. 2018: paired with Spurlo at Spurlock, laid 4 eggs, hatched 2 eggs, and fledged 2 young.