name: Blueberry
gender: F
breeder: oar
fws: 877-42529
color: 20P
hatch-year: 1987
hatch-location: Rouchleau Pit Virginia
name: Oly
gender: M
breeder: jam
fws: 816-21835
color: unbanded
hatch-year: 1986
hatch-location: Mt. Leaveaux
eggs: 4
hatch date:
fledged: 2
augmented: 0
Bottom of nest box fell out when birds being banded, 3 young fell to rocks below, killing 2; 4 eggs, 4 hatched, 2 fledged.
name: Oly
gender: M
breeder: jam
fws: 816-21835
color: unbanded
hatch-year: 1986
hatch-location: Mt. Leaveaux
name: Blueberry
gender: F
breeder: oar
fws: 877-42529
color: 20P
hatch-year: 1987
hatch-location: Rouchleau Pit Virginia
eggs: 4
hatch date: 5/30/1990
fledged: 2
augmented: 0
4 eggs hatched, 2 young killed in accident at banding.
name: Blueberry
gender: F
breeder: oar
fws: 877-42529
color: 20P
hatch-year: 1987
hatch-location: Rouchleau Pit Virginia
name: Oly
gender: M
breeder: jam
fws: 816-21835
color: unbanded
hatch-year: 1986
hatch-location: Mt. Leaveaux
hatch date:
fledged: 3
augmented: 0
Back 04/01/91 at ELC, discouraged by nesting pair of ravens, left after about a week, moved to nearby Superior cliff; nested in old raven nest, young not banded.
name: Oly
gender: M
breeder: jam
fws: 816-21835
color: unbanded
hatch-year: 1986
hatch-location: Mt. Leaveaux
name: Blueberry
gender: F
breeder: oar
fws: 877-42529
color: 20P
hatch-year: 1987
hatch-location: Rouchleau Pit Virginia
hatch date:
fledged: 3
augmented: 0
name: Blueberry
gender: F
breeder: oar
fws: 877-42529
color: 20P
hatch-year: 1987
hatch-location: Rouchleau Pit Virginia
name: Oly
gender: M
breeder: jam
fws: 816-21835
color: unbanded
hatch-year: 1986
hatch-location: Mt. Leaveaux
hatch date:
fledged: 3
augmented: 0
Same pair, same raven nest, same failure to band young. Rose Welch and Ronnie Cummins keep track of this site.
name: Oly
gender: M
breeder: jam
fws: 816-21835
color: unbanded
hatch-year: 1986
hatch-location: Mt. Leaveaux
name: Blueberry
gender: F
breeder: oar
fws: 877-42529
color: 20P
hatch-year: 1987
hatch-location: Rouchleau Pit Virginia
hatch date:
fledged: 3
augmented: 0
name: Blueberry
gender: F
breeder: oar
fws: 877-42529
color: 20P
hatch-year: 1987
hatch-location: Rouchleau Pit Virginia
name: Oly
gender: M
breeder: jam
fws: 816-21835
color: unbanded
hatch-year: 1986
hatch-location: Mt. Leaveaux
hatch date:
fledged: 0
augmented: 0
name: Oly
gender: M
breeder: jam
fws: 816-21835
color: unbanded
hatch-year: 1986
hatch-location: Mt. Leaveaux
name: Blueberry
gender: F
breeder: oar
fws: 877-42529
color: 20P
hatch-year: 1987
hatch-location: Rouchleau Pit Virginia
hatch date:
fledged: 0
augmented: 0
name: Blueberry
gender: F
breeder: oar
fws: 877-42529
color: 20P
hatch-year: 1987
hatch-location: Rouchleau Pit Virginia
name: Oly
gender: M
breeder: jam
fws: 816-21835
color: unbanded
hatch-year: 1986
hatch-location: Mt. Leaveaux
hatch date:
fledged: 0
augmented: 0
name: Oly
gender: M
breeder: jam
fws: 816-21835
color: unbanded
hatch-year: 1986
hatch-location: Mt. Leaveaux
name: Blueberry
gender: F
breeder: oar
fws: 877-42529
color: 20P
hatch-year: 1987
hatch-location: Rouchleau Pit Virginia
hatch date:
fledged: 0
augmented: 0
name: Blueberry
gender: F
breeder: oar
fws: 877-42529
color: 20P
hatch-year: 1987
hatch-location: Rouchleau Pit Virginia
name: Oly
gender: M
breeder: jam
fws: 816-21835
color: unbanded
hatch-year: 1986
hatch-location: Mt. Leaveaux
hatch date: 6/14/1995
fledged: 3
augmented: 0
name: Oly
gender: M
breeder: jam
fws: 816-21835
color: unbanded
hatch-year: 1986
hatch-location: Mt. Leaveaux
name: Blueberry
gender: F
breeder: oar
fws: 877-42529
color: 20P
hatch-year: 1987
hatch-location: Rouchleau Pit Virginia
hatch date:
fledged: 3
augmented: 0